Address: Zhejiang Wuyi Town, Tong-Qin Ni Bridge Industrial Zone
Tel :0579-87708555
Fax :0579-87708498

About us

  Wuyi Craft Products Co., Ltd.  Development was founded in 2001. The company is located in a beautiful, fine spring, enjoy the first spring eastern China's Zhejiang Wuyi title. The company has extensive experience of research and technological innovation process in high-infix engineers, professional teams, there are national environmental assessment certificates. Contribution Award in 2007 ranked 36th. Companies undertaking business scope: metal surface treatment, stainless steel products, insulation cup electrolysis. Professional, the only is our spirit, quality, reliability is our product, honesty, passion is our service.

Company quality policy:
Excellence - crafted each product component.
Scientific Management - the modernization of machinery with advanced detection and control every process.
Quality first - quality is enterprise's life.
Users first - perfect for every user of services.

Quality of management by objectives:
Factory inspection on finished products up to 100% pass rate
On installation of a passing rate of 99% acceptance
Company aim: Everyone thought, everything to concentrate on; products and world-Sync, employees and enterprises with the development.
Company's goals: to allow more products to expand a modern business services, every effort to create perfect quality.


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